Pro S-2000HD Heavy Duty Smoke Machine

March 5, 2021
Proflex Pro S 2000 Hd Angle High Res 6042553273abe

The Proflex+ Pro S-2000HD Heavy Duty Smoke Machine is engineered for the heavy duty truck market as well as agricultural, mining, industrial, engineering, and more. It features full testing capabilities from the airbox to the exhaust system and has cabin vent testing. Test pressure from 0 to 110 psi adjustable. It runs on shop air and is nitrogen compatible. The smoke machine is lightweight is easy to use. Accessories include two H.D. Bladder Blockers, LED flashlight, halo, 16.25" long detachable battery cable, and detachable air/smoke hoses. A 52” miser wand is also included inside the box. 

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